Bursitis Hip

What is Bursitis Hip?

Hip bursitis, also often referred to as bursitis hip, is a medical condition affecting the bursae. Bursae are minuscule, soft sacs that are found throughout the body, including near the hip. Bursae are located between soft tissue and bones, and serve as a cushion to limit friction.

Bursitis hip (or hip bursitis) develops when the bursae becomes inflamed. Bursitis hip typically affects two specific bursae in the hip. One of the bursae commonly affected by bursitis hip serves as a cover for the hip bone's bony point (known as the greater trochanter). The other bursae commonly affected by bursitis hip is found on the inside of the hip (known as the iliopsoas bursa).

Bursitis Hip Causes

While the above explains what bursitis hip is and how it affects the body, below are some common bursitis hip causes:

  • Hip injuries, such as falling on the hip or having the hip come in contact with a hard surface,
    Repeated pressure applied to the hip, which can occur from biking, running or standing for an extended period of time.
  • Gout
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Scoliosis
  • Lower back pain
  • Infection of hip bursae
  • Calcium deposits or bone spurs
  • and more

Bursitis Hip Symptoms

The most common bursitis hip symptom is hip pain. Specifically, bursitis hip symptoms include, but are not necessarily limited to:

  • Hip pain felt on the outside thigh
  • Hip pain that is initially intense and sharp, but develops in to an aching sensation that spreads to more of the hip
  • Hip pain that is worse during the night
  • Hip pain that is worse when lying on the part of the hip that hurts
  • Hip pain that is worse when standing up after sitting for an extended period of time
  • Hip pain that is worse after long walks
  • Hip pain that is worse after climbing stairs
  • Hip pain that is worse after squatting
  • and more

Bursitis Hip Treatment

There are many types of bursitis hip treatments. Both surgical and non-surgical bursitis hip treatments are available, depending on the severity of bursitis hip in individual patients.

Bursitis hip treatments include, but are not necessarily limited to:

  • Changing routine activities to avoid actions that make symptoms worse
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Using canes or crutches as needed
  • Physical therapy
  • Corticosteroid injection
  • Surgery to remove the affected bursae

There is no one-size-fits-all bursitis hip treatment. The appropriate bursitis hip treatment for you or your loved one depends on many factors, including the severity of the condition.

The hip specialists at SOS are experienced in providing individualized plans for bursitis hip patients. To see an SOS hip specialist about bursitis hip...

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